Solar 2.0: 5X more efficient, Lower cost, Quick installation, & Transportable Solar Power System
Enviro-Sys Sunflower solar energy system. Basically, the Enviro-Sys Sunflower consists of a box containing Sunflower solar panels. Each PV cell in each panel absorbs the same amount as ordinary PV cells. But the unabsorbed light, instead of being reflected back into the atmosphere, is reflected to and captured by cells on the other panels in the box.
Users can easily install the Enviro-Sys Sunflower in a matter of minutes, simply by placing it on the ground in any sunny location in a back or side yard, and plugging it into their home's existing wiring system. The unit does not have to be positioned toward the sun. User can even apply custom paint or decals to the Enviro-Sys Sunflower to suit their personal preferences.
In contrast, installing unsightly traditional solar array systems can take days, as they are typically mounted on the roof. Moreover, the homeowner must install additional wiring to connect the system to the house.
Both systems will require a licensed electrician to meet net metering requirements.